Fire Safety Prevention Week 2018

Be Safer. Fire Safety 2018 

Fire Safety NFPA image
Fire Prevention Week 2018

This week, October 8th to October 14th, is 2018 National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Fire Prevention Week. The NFPA has come into a collaboration with Firerite and Pennsylvania Fire Watch Guards to educate people of all ages about Fire Safety every second week of October. Public awareness of the need for fire safety began in America in the early 1900s. The NFPA began designating a fire prevention week in the 1920’s to help solve this issue. Early 1900’s Americans had to be very diligent while living in their all wood structures. In early America a small stray spark could begin a fire that turned into a major tragedy- like the Great Chicago Fire of the late 1800’s.

In the case of business, it can be even more complicated. Fire can come from all kinds of sources, and be of different types. Electrical fires are particularly dangerous, deadly, and difficult to control. A routine inspection of the commercial electrical installation as well as commercial wiring by experts such as a professional commercial electrician is a great way to avoid running into these kind of issues at any point in the future. There has been many strategies to try and improve these percentages but some of them have not been successful. A great way that industrial production could improve is to sell electrical equipment. Depending on the engraving business, there could be lots of people to move to safety in the event of an emergency, so it would be best to try to avoid anything of the sort occurring as much as possible. Make sure to hire a professional electrician and have him perform a transformer oil testing to make sure that your transformers and other electrical equipment function properly.

For those of you who might not know, we Lessards come from a family of builders that has been hammering nails since the mid-1900s. Years ago, almost all building materials used were either extremely flammable, or made of wood, so our family has sadly seen dozens of fires that have destroyed a family’s or a businesses’ property. Little that breaks our heart more, so, in support of this week and National Fire Protection Association’s Fire Prevention Week, we’d like to steer you toward the NFPA’s exceptional fire safety resources such as the new evac chair in the market. This year’s theme is ‘Look. Listen. Learn. Be Aware. Fire Can Happen Anywhere.’ We hope this resource provides you all a starting point to improve your homes or businesses fire safety techniques for decades! 

NFPA Fire Prevention Week Tips:

Check out for tips, materials, activities, videos and even games about Fire Prevention and Fire Safety! 

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